Shoot Me


I was so young.


It was a bright and sunny afternoon.

The mountains were glimmering with the rocks as steep as hills, surrounded by mountain goats.

They littered the area in packs.

A family of them, surround the hiking grounds.

They were far from civilization, as a child walks up to them in order to pet the fluffy.


Then it came after me.

Staking and slowly, it starts with a curious look.

Then the panic sets in.

They start with a glide around the grounds, horns down, hoofs clamping and charging, straight for me.


How could I have not panicked?

Frozen as the fluffy ran straight towards me.

The mountain seems to disappear from view.

Then the fight or flight instinct and adrenaline kicked in.

Running was the best choice, I broke out in a sprint running without air.


It was a wild goose chase, I ran as fast as a child could go.

Pain and the lack of air whirlwinds through my legs and lungs, I couldn’t last any longer.

I thought to myself,

“Maybe the fluffy is gone away now.”


I turn around in a halt as the blunt swing crashes into my stomach.

Air shoots out, and all it was all numb.

Just numb as everything went in slow motion.

The noise became slow as if it wasn’t there at all, but a resounding crack and crunch sounded from somewhere.

It came from my back but I couldn’t tell, it was all just numb.


I needed air.

I cried out in fear and pain as I couldn’t feel anything anymore.

Was I in pain?

Where was my stomach?

I flip myself over before the darkness could take over, tears filled my vision.

Then I twisted and turned into a sitting into position, then a standing position as I wobbled towards my family.

My parents picked me up as set me upon the picnic table.

Where did the table come from?


“You’re okay, Your okay. you can stand and walk. Don’t think about the pain,” someone said to me.

I couldn’t remember who it was but someone did say it as I cried.

I felt numb and only numb everywhere like a ghosted sheet over me.

There were only reassuring words as the world grew dark as I cried myself to sleep.

The pain in my stomach soars to the bones in my shoulder and back, Maybe it was a stomach ache and nothing happened.

I’ll wake up in pain and want to shoot myself for the stupidity of it.

I never want to go back.

I don’t want to see the fluffy anymore.



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  1. Dear Melody,

    I feel this was a very emotional piece, it was short and sweet and there is a lot to unpack here. I loved the colorful words, they really packed a punch on some sentences and it worked better than I thought something like that would.

    If I had to suggest something to fix up, I would say just put in more description. You sound very young in this anecdote and that would mean there won’t be too much detail, but just some more things you remember would be a good addition to this already awesome piece.

    This was a fun and short read which was nice. Your panic and confusion was very clear and you really brought out the emotions in this piece, nicely done.




    1. To Iqra,
      Thank you for your comment and I will add a little bit more to it when I find time to correct those mistakes.
      Thank you for reading my blog.



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